About Us

A Brief History of The Red Cloud
The Red Cloud Serenity Club opened its doors in 2001. The original building was located at Highway 24 and the turn off to Pikes Peak highway. This old, historical served as home to the recovery community until 2010. At that time the club moved to the town Green Mountain Falls, where the Red Cloud is located today, several miles from the original location.
On average the Red Cloud serves over 500 people a month by providing 16 meetings a week at the Green Mountain Falls facility. That’s an average of 6,000 Coloradans a year! We provide two meetings a day, and three meetings on Saturday and Sunday. Meetings focus on the different needs and stages of a person’s recovery. The Red Cloud hosts literature studies focused on recovery from alcoholism, new comers meeting for those coming into recovery for the first time, and monthly speaker’s meetings that provide social interaction in a safe environment.
All of the operations of the facility are provided by volunteers. Meetings are chaired by volunteers who strongly believe that anytime, anyone, anywhere, reaches out their hand for help, they want the hand of Alcoholics Anonymous to be there. And they are there, providing a safe harbor for the hundreds of alcoholics in the Ute Pass Area. The community depends on the Red Cloud for consistency and support in their road to sobriety.
Holidays can be especially hard for alcoholics and addicts. The Red Cloud also provides special events for the community, like a Thanksgiving feast and Christmas celebration complete with turkey and ham, provided by the Red Cloud Foundation Inc. Loneliness is the killer of the alcoholic, and the Red Cloud strives to create events that build fellowship and community.
The Red Cloud Foundation Inc. provides the financial means for the Red Cloud Serenity Club to function. The foundation is staffed by volunteers who take the financial responsibility for the facility. Each year we host a yard sale that brings in enough money to provide a prudent reserve in order to pay monthly expenses. Without this yard sale and the money, it brings to the foundation, the Red Cloud Serenity Club could not function.
The Red Cloud is a much-needed resource in the Ute Pass area, but we are continually struggling to make ends meet. Any donation that could be made would help in our quest to upgrade our technology. If we had internet and the equipment needed, we could provide Zoom meetings to those people who aren’t able to leave their homes. Buying literature for our members and the club would help in facilitating our literature studies. And, improving our outdoor area would make our current facility more inviting to a larger group of people.
I hope you consider any gift to the Red Cloud to be greatly appreciated by the hundreds of alcoholics and drug addicts in southern Colorado.